Nightrage Rising

 Audio Welcome from Essie Brightsday


Nightrage Rising is a street-level fantasy-adventure novel with a healthy splash of Nancy Drewish mystery—mixed with a dollop of wit and snark. It is a fast paced, first-person, present-tense story of a girl discovering self-worth, courage and friendship in the face of an unstable kingdom, magical inequality, and a dangerous, seductive cult. If you grab a copy off the shelf and flip to the back cover, here’s what you’ll find:

“Essie Brightsday is blind. But that hasn’t kept her from curses, dragons, or rock basilisks in the past. Now her family lives in the bustling capital of Plen, a far cry from their small farm tucked against the Valley of Fire. Little does she know that a secretive cult is growing in the city, guaranteeing this adventure will be just as eventful as the last…”

While Nightrage Rising is the sequel to A Hero’s Curse, it was written to stand on its own. If you missed the first book, don’t worry, you can still jump in, right now.

Nightrage Rising is about 76,000 words, similar to the word count for Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone. It’s perfect for kids between 7-13 years old, but as C.S. Lewis said, “A children’s story that can only be enjoyed by children is not a good children’s story in the slightest.”


“There’s something—or someone—stirring in our capitol city of Plen. Something just below the surface. What I can’t figure, is it here to help? …or destroy?”

Our publishing team has worked hard to get here, because we believe stories can do more than describe the world that is.

Story can show us what could be.

When I think of daring and imaginative, I’m not thinking of vampires or zombies or angsty love triangles or whatever the latest trend happens to be. I’m thinking of something different altogether. Something that makes a difference. Something that challenges the status quo. That doesn’t always mean flying ships or even talking cats (although, to be fair, talking cats are pretty awesome).

I believe good stories inspire hope in the face of darkness. I’m thinking about the way story can reflect the good, the true, and the beautiful, making it easier to find in our own lives.

Now that’s daring and imaginative.

We’re here because we think you believe the same thing. That stories are meant to show more than what is.


They show us what could be.

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